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Making News Fun
Explore Pipes
Pipes understands users consumption pattern and tailors news based on that. Scroll down to get further details.
Personalised Content
Pipes now personalises content to make your reading experience more intimate than it ever has been.
Interact with stories you love and Pipes will understand your interests; thus tailoring Feed to give you content you love.
Interact with Search
Search now provides for interaction like never before. Swipe to see What’s Trending, Pipes recommended for you, popular trends this week or add something specific.
Browse through over 100,000 topics.
Reading Levels
We’re introducing Reader Levels with this update! You could either be a Noob or get smarter and end up Ninja. Read and Share articles to get your points up. Every article you read gets you 10 points while each share gets you 20.
Pipeball is here!
Yes, that’s right; There’s a game right inside a news app! Each time the internet fails or you are done reading dive straight into Pipeball to have some fun. News is fun!
Get started today!